
ThisexamplecreatesamapwithasimplepolygonrepresentingtheBermudaTriangle.Readthedocumentation.,Polylineclass...Apolylineisalinearoverlayofconnectedlinesegmentsonthemap.ThisclassextendsMVCObject.AccessbycallingconstPolyline}=await ...,ShowpolygoninGoogleMap.GitHubGist:instantlysharecode,notes,andsnippets.,AdemoprojecttoshowhowtoimplementtheGoogleMapsPolygonwidget.Allmicroflowsarealreadyconfigured...

Simple Polygon

This example creates a map with a simple polygon representing the Bermuda Triangle. Read the documentation.


Polyline class ... A polyline is a linear overlay of connected line segments on the map. This class extends MVCObject . Access by calling const Polyline} = await ...

Show polygon in Google Map

Show polygon in Google Map. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Google Maps Polygon

A demo project to show how to implement the Google Maps Polygon widget. All microflows are already configured and a simple domain model setup.


A short tutorial that shows you how to place shapes on top of Google Maps.

Drawing Polygon in google map using javascript

2014年12月28日 — I want to draw polygon in google map and I am using the example code at but it's not working and not getting array ...

Google Maps API v3 Tool

Click on the map to generate a shape. This is a drawing tool for polyline, polygon, polygon with holes, rectangle, circle, marker(icon), direction(route, path).


2023年10月3日 — This map was created by a user. Learn how to create your own.

Polygon Test

2023年9月29日 — A simple test of polygon by GPS.

Google Maps API - 形狀( 多邊形Polygon )

繪製多邊形起手式. Polygon 建構函式使用一組指定多邊形LatLng 座標的Paths,以及一組調整折線視覺行為的樣式,下列PolygonOptions 的部分是相關屬性設定。